Hi! I'm Ann and I believe that the foundation of transformative therapy is the trust, connection and the felt sense of safety you have with your therapist. I prioritize cultivating an accepting and affirming space where you feel safe to navigate life's challenges. This is a space that embraces vulnerability, diversity and inclusivity.

I've been working in the mental health field since 2004 and currently specialize in the concerns of women. As you will see below, I've navigated a number of changes in my life and look forward to helping you do the same.

Once Upon a Time,

I was an airline pilot flying Boeing 737s. 
I traveled several times a week and frequently had layovers in New York, Boston, and Miami. 
I thought I was living my best life.

Until I wasn't.

I had just celebrated my 31st birthday, bought my first home, and had a job  flying 737s for a major airline. A week later, on 9/11, I was piloting a plane filled with over 100 passengers flying from Baltimore to Tampa. Shortly after our morning departure, Air Traffic Control (ATC) relayed that an airplane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Initially, it sounded like it was a small private plane that had become disoriented and made a tragic mistake. Further into our flight, we were notified about the second crash and alerted that the possibility existed that we may have a highjacker on board and to prepare ourselves as best we could. There wasn't much to do other than lock the flimsy cockpit door and have the crash axe easily accessible. Fortunately, we continued on to and landed safely in Tampa, not truly understanding the gravity of the situation until we saw the images on the airport televisions.


I earned a Master's in Psychology while in the clinical program, became licensed as a school psychologist, and worked in a variety of clinical settings including hospitals, a college counseling center, and primary and secondary schools.  During that time, I got married, got pregnant, and gave birth to my first son, Jack, the day after I completed all of the coursework for my doctorate.  I was exhausted!  Shortly thereafter, I took some time off to be with my son, started a furniture refinishing business to be home with him and had another son, Finn.  The boys are by far my greatest gift and....

That whisper led me to applying to and entering, a doctoral clinical psychology program.

 Shortly after that day, I received word that I, along with 1000s of other pilots across all major airlines would be furloughed and I would be out of a job that December.  And with only 3% of pilots being women at the time, it had been a challenging road to build this career. I was devastated to lose it.


And yet, I heard a whisper...

While I had always felt connected to my intuition, even as a child, it was during some of these very tumultuous times that the tether to my inner knowing unfurled much more, allowing me to reach for and achieve experiences that were in alignment with who I really am.  And that, I believe is key - connecting with your true self is the first step on the path to living a life filled with intention, connection and joy.  

That allowed me to work full time outside the home but be on the boys' schedule.  I had previously worked as both a therapist in a school setting and in the role of school psychologist so the transition to being a school adjustment counselor was a natural one.  With my boys now a bit older, my desire to once again work with adults has allowed me to  shift back into therapy and private practice.  A few other changes have occurred too....I divorced, have an incredibly supportive fiance', Mike, and we now share his boys and mine- we have four children between the ages of 9-15.  I co-created a life I love!

With the role of mom being most important to me, I made the shift into school counseling.

not about

lack of integrity,
that hustle game


good chocolate, 
helping you build 
resillience and 
inner peace

all about


"As You Start To Walk On The Way, The Way Appears"

— Rumi

"As You Start to Walk On The Way, The Way Appears"


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