Working Together

cultural sensitivity

trauma informed

I embrace a holistic view of my clients, recognizing that we are all complex beings with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions and needs.

I empower clients to actively participate in their healing process and collaborate with them in setting goals and developing treatment plans.

I approach therapy with sensitivity to the prevalence and impact of trauma, recognizing the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for healing. 

I respect and honor the diversity of your background, identity, and belief systems. I recognize the influence of culture, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and other factors on your experiences.

Client centered

Holistic Perspective

My guiding Principles:

Let's Build Something Beautiful Together

You don't have to do it alone

Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's moving forward in spite of it.

Working with Me

I’m a Massachusetts licensed mental health counselor who is passionate about guiding you to a more holistic way of living by helping you heal past traumas, eliminate negative core beliefs, increase resilience, and embody your authentic self.  The goal is to integrate gentle and holistic lifestyle shifts to move you towards alignment within the mind and body.

All the parts within you are connected, so combining a top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up (body sensations and feelings) is key to achieving alignment of the mind, body and soul. Unlike traditional therapy's narrow focus, this approach is grounded in nervous system regulation and may include traditional talk therapy, mindfulness based practices, somatic exercises and breathwork. 

We may use a variety of ways to keep our selves stuck, particularly when the outcome is unknown. Procrastination, rationalization, perfectionism...they can all immobilize us or keep us playing small. Scratch the surface though and what underlies all of them is fear. Understanding that the unknown will always be fraught with fear allows us to step forward anyway. Having an external witness guide us with compassion to a new way of thinking about ourselves can be a transformative and powerful way to move forward. 

Together we will work to facilitate greater self-awareness, understand how the past may be impacting the present, learn practical tools to manage stress, nurture healthy connections and build emotional resilience. My hope is for all of my clients to feel empowered to express their authentic selves to create a more intentional and joyful life.

you don't have to do it alone

Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's moving forward in spite of it.

An enhanced sense of body awareness and mindfulness

Greater emotional regulation and decreased stress

Increased sense of inner well-being

More compassion for yourself and increased resilience

In working with me you may experience: